Home Run Number 46 I'm back celebrating another Home Run, DivGro's 46th! When a stock in my portfolio doubles my original investment in total returns, it becomes a Home Run stock!
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For June 2023 The ten top-ranked Dividend Radar stocks for June 2023 are high-quality, discounted stocks with safe dividends that likely would deliver annualized returns of at least 8%.
Home Run Number 45 It's fun to celebrate when a stock in my portfolio doubles my original investment in total returns. This article celebrates another such milestone, DivGro's 45th Home Run!
June 2023 Newsletter The June edition of my DivGro 2.0 newsletter includes a quick market recap, the May review of my DivGro portfolio, and a section revealing the top-ranked stocks in each of the GICS sectors!
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For May 2023 The ten top-ranked Dividend Radar stocks for May 2023 are undervalued and have 5-year trailing total returns of at least 10%.
May 2023 Newsletter The May edition of my DivGro 2.0 newsletter includes a quick market recap, the April review of my DivGro portfolio, and eight different top-10 lists!
April 2023 Newsletter The April edition of my DivGro 2.0 newsletter includes a quick market recap and a review of my DivGro portfolio as of 31 March 2023. Also, look out for my top-10 lists!
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For April 2023 The ten top-ranked Dividend Radar stocks for April 2023 are undervalued and have high 5-year compound annual growth rates.
March 2023 Newsletter The second edition of my monthly DivGro 2.0 newsletter includes a quick market recap, a review of my DivGro portfolio, and a new feature section of top-10 lists!
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For March 2023 The ten top-ranked Dividend Radar stocks for March 2023 have qualifying Adjusted Chowder Numbers and a forward yield that exceeds the 5-year average yield.