Home Run Number 49 When a stock in my DivGro portfolio doubles the original investment in total returns, I label it a Home Run stock! Today, I'm celebrating DivGro's 49th Home Run!
January 2024 Newsletter Welcome to the January edition of my DivGro 2.0 newsletter! As usual, this edition provides a quick market recap, a review of my DivGro portfolio (as of 31 December 2023), and presents four new top-10 lists!
Closing Options Early A short option trade can go really well or really badly. In either case, you can close the option early by buying it back for the prevailing premium. I discuss both scenarios with examples of actual trades.
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For December 2023 The ten top-ranked Dividend Radar stocks for December 2023 pass stringent criteria for adding new stocks to my portfolio. These are great candidates for your New Year's shopping list!
Undervalued Dividend Aristocrats I rank 64 of the Dividend Aristocrats by quality score and identify undervalued stocks for further research and investment.
Dividend Gems Dividend Gems are dividend growth stocks with quality scores in the range of 26-30. These are high-quality stocks worth considering, especially when they trade below my Buy Below prices.
December 2023 Newsletter Welcome to the December edition of my DivGro 2.0 newsletter! Following a quick market recap, I review my DivGro portfolio as of 30 November 2023 and present four new top-10 lists!
Home Run Number 48 I'm celebrating DivGro's 48th Home Run! When a stock in my DivGro portfolio doubles the original investment in total returns, I label it a Home Run stock!
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For November 2023 The ten top-ranked Dividend Radar stocks for November 2023 are high-quality stocks with the highest defensiveness scores based on a scoring system developed by David Van Knapp.
November 2023 Newsletter The November edition of my DivGro 2.0 newsletter includes a quick market recap and a review of my DivGro portfolio as of 31 October 2023. It concludes with four new top-10 lists!